
Technology vision built on scientific expertise

Howard M. Branz, Ph.D.

Howard Branz is an early-stage technology consultant providing services to companies, investors and government clients in all fields of renewable energy and sustainable technology since 2015. Branz also works part-time as a Senior Research Associate at the University of Colorado Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI)

From 2012 to 2015, Dr. Branz served as a Program Director at the U.S. DOE Advanced Projects Research Agency – Energy. At ARPA-E, he selected and incubated more than $70M of interdisciplinary technologies with transformational potential. Branz led a “virtual research center” of 28 projects across more than 100 top U.S. industrial, national laboratory and university teams. He negotiated quantitative milestones to drive technical and marketplace success, and contributed to techno-economic and technology competitive analyses. Dr. Branz created ARPA-E’s first solar conversion program, combining thermal storage with PV to address the challenge of producing low cost, low carbon, dispatchable electric power.

Before joining ARPA-E, Dr. Branz was a Research Fellow and group leader at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). During more than 25 years at NREL, Branz led research groups to discoveries and new technologies in photovoltaics, nanotechnology, electrochromic windows, semiconductor devices, defect physics, electronic transport, optics, epitaxy, photoelectrochemistry and materials science. Dr. Branz has more than 20 patents issued or published; half of these patents were licensed by industry for commercialization. He was named a Fulbright Scholar in 1997 and won NREL’s Hubbard Award for sustained research excellence in 2011. Branz is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

Education and More

Dr. Branz received his B.A. in Physics at Brandeis University and went on to earn a Ph.D. in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), for a thesis advancing amorphous semiconductor physics, thin-film deposition and photovoltaic solar cells. Dr. Branz has an interest in languages, and is conversational in French, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish. He is a backpacker and enthusiastic amateur mycologist, who harvests and carefully enjoys the delights of edible wild mushrooms.


Technology Vision

Dr. Branz applies technical vision to product creation.

  • Picked and funded $70M of advanced technology R&D for ARPA-E.

  • Envisioned dispatchable solar energy from systems combining PV with high temperature storage and funded best approaches with the $33M FOCUS Program.

  • Created memory elements for an imprinted cross-point array developed with HP Labs.

  • Led Ampulse film crystal silicon photovoltaic cell development from conception to Series A raise.

  • 12 issued U.S. patents with international filings and many licensed for commercial use.

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Scientific Expertise

Dr. Branz has deep scientific expertise & technical creativity.

  • Authored more than 125 scientific papers in refereed journals,
    already cited in over 8000 scientific papers (Google Scholar h=45)..

  • Earned R&D 100 Award for pioneering inexpensive black silicon solar cells and processes now fielded in about 20 GW of solar modules valued at over $5bn.

    • Developed world record 18.2%-efficient nanostructured black silicon solar cells that first demonstrated the technology’s high solar energy conversion.

  • Created leading model of light-induced degradation of the amorphous silicon used widely in solar cells. 

  • Fulbright Scholar and Fellow of the American Physical Society..

Diverse Experience



“.....a keen eye on the technology's commercialization potential and an unusually precise understanding of the interaction between the technical value proposition and the needs of fast-paced markets...”

Josh Palmer, Kairos Venture Investments




“ agile and innovative problem solver who has collaboratively solved both technical and technoeconomic problems with us.”

Jason Salfi, CEO, Dimensional Energy




“… enabled us to build a strong technical backbone for later product development.”

Leila Madrone, Founder & CTO Sunfolding




“…he knows what differentiates an effective advanced technology pitch from an ineffective one.”

Steve Walker, Founder & CEO, Imby Energy


Work with Howard

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